Friday, 6 March 2009

Advocate Q&A

I emailed Mark Epton, aka Advocate asking a few questions about
'ethical' design. He was kind enough to email me back some answers
really quickly.Check out his website.

Here is some design he did for New Internationalist.

How important do you think that design is within the
promotion of
charities/campaigns/social issues, and
do you think that it is often
overlooked (by charities,
campaigners, etc)?

It is overlooked and is viewed with suspicion

How different do you think that your studio is from one
that isn't
ethically driven, in terms of both the practical
running of the
studio and the process involved in the
actual design?

Not much difference. Everyone recycles and tries to save
energy etc.

Do you find that this kind of design can be more
'restrictive'; for
example, because of lack of funding,
sensitivity of issues, etc?

Lack of funds is a big problem. To make a living on
small budgets everything has to be done quickly.

Do you think that designers, in general, have any
particular social
responsibilities? Do you think that
they should be held more
accountable than the rest of
the public?

Not really. I think it is a load of bullshit that
designers have special powers and responsibilities to
change the world. Everyone has to become the change we
want to see.

In a capitalist society, most conventional products are
sold to us
as commodities with personalities and human
qualities, as opposed to
'things' with 'functions' As a
lot of the today's 'problems' are
the result of Western
capitalism/consumerism, do you think that it
could be
considered unethical/unproductive to promote social
in the same 'reified' way (as opposed to using
facts, figures,
logical argument), as it could serve to
promote and enforce a
consumerist mindset?
This is the best question I've ever been asked by a
student. A good point. I don't know... It can be argued
that 'branding'is such a powerful tool that ethical
organisations should use it (rather than be suspicious).
Branding is a tool, neither evil or good. Need to think
some more on this.

Are there any social issues that you feel are more
than others, eg. environmental issues /
human rights / animal
rights / working within the local
community / etc?

CLIMATE CHANGE. We're all fucked if we can not curb carbon
within about five years. And I reckon there is a fat chance
of that happening. I'm leaning how to grow vegetables! And
I'd quite like a gun (which is depressing).

Do you find it more personally satisfying working with
your clients,
that you would working with more
commercial clients?

Morally yes. But often 'ethical' organisations don't know the
first thing about design/communications/branding/marketing,
don't respect what I can do for them and don't have budgets
- this can be frustrating.

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